Use Of Has And Have in English grammar

Use And Meaning Of Has And Have

This new post of the series to learn English and in today’s post we will read in detail about the use of two important English words Has and Have and their Hindi meaning.

You must have seen such English sentences as I have a pen, She has a car, I don’t have any book etc. But why and how is has and have used in these sentences, Hindi meaning of has and have What is it?

Both Has and Have are very useful and frequently used words in English, but you will be able to use them correctly only when you know according to the grammar rule that when Has is used and when Have Why?

Has तथा Have के प्रयोग और हिंदी मीनिंग | Use And Meaning Of Has/Have In Hindi

Friends, if I talk about the Hindi meaning of Has and Have, then the Hindi meaning of both these words is the same, just according to the rule, Has is used with some subject and with some Has.

Has/Have = पास होना, रखना, अधिकार सम्बन्ध

Yes friends, both Has and Have in Hindi means to possess or to express a sense of authority. But one thing is also worth noting that while making Hindi to English translation, has and have are used in two ways.

One is in the form of possession and the other in the form of a helping verb in the sentences of present prefect tense. The Hindi meaning of has/have I have mentioned above is only for has/have used as possession.

You will understand all this even better when we look at the use of has/have in both these situation in turn with examples.

Use Of Has And Have In Hindi (Has और Have के प्रयोग)

  1. Possession (अधिकार सम्बन्ध या पास होना, रखना):

When the subject in the sentence has the sense of having something, that is, when you or someone else (He, she, they, we, you, name) has / does not have something / or to ask that he / she has that Whether it is a thing or not, Has or Have is used. For example-

* मेरे पास एक कलम है। – I have a pen.

* तुम्हारे पास कार है। – You have a car.

* राम के पास घडी है। – Ram has a watch.

Friends, in these sentences there is a sense of having something near the subject. If you pay attention to the first sentence itself, then the sentence is “Ram has a pen”. In this sentence it is being told that Ram has a pen. To make such sentences, Has and Have are used according to the subject of the sentence.

Now it comes to whom will Has be used with and with whom will Have? Understand the chart for the given below-

Person Singular Plural
1st person I have a pen.

मेरे पास एक कलम है।

We have a pen.

हमलोगों के पास एक कलम है।

2nd person You have a pen.

आपके पास एक कलम है।

You have a pen.

आपलोगो के पास एक कलम है।

3rd person He / She / It / Ram has a pen.

उसके/राम के पास एक कलम है।

They / The boys have a pen.

उनके/लडको के पास एक कलम है

Thus, I, we, you, they and have are used with plural nouns and he, she, it and has are used with singular nouns

Let us now see examples of all types of sentences in which Has and Have are used. By this you will understand everything better-

Has / Have: Affirmative Sentences (सकारात्मक वाक्य)

Rule: S + Has / Have + Complement

Hindi Sentence English Sentence
मेरे पास एक कार है। I have a car.
उसके पास दो बैल हैं। He has two bulls.
राम के पास एक घर है। Ram has a house.
तुम्हारे पास एक कंप्यूटर है। You have a computer.
रमेश के पास तीन किताबें हैं। Ramesh has three books.
लडको के पास केवल एक कलम है। The boys have only one pen.
गाय को एक पूंछ होती है। The cow has a tail.
लड़कियों के पास बहुत सारे कपडे हैं। The girls have many clothes.
हमारे पास प्रयाप्त पैसे हैं। We have enough money.
श्याम के दो बेटे हैं। Shyam has two son.
सीता और राम के पास दो बिल्लियाँ हैं। Sita and Ram have two cats.

Has / Have: WH Questions Sentences

Rule: WH Que + Has / Have + S + (No/Not) + Complement

Hindi Sentence English Sentence
मेरे पास एक कार कैसे है? How have I a car?
उसके पास दो बैल क्यों हैं? Why has he two bulls?
राम के पास एक घर कहाँ है? Where has Ram a house?
तुम्हारे पास एक कंप्यूटर क्यों नहीं है? Why have you not a computer?
रमेश के पास तीन किताबें किसके हैं? Whose has Ramesh three books?
लडको के पास केवल एक कलम कैसे है? How have the boys only one pen?
गाय को एक पूंछ कहाँ होती है? Where has the cow a tail?
लड़कियों के पास बहुत सारे कपडे क्यों नही हैं? Why have the girls not many clothes?
हमारे पास प्रयाप्त पैसे कहाँ हैं? Where have we enough money?
श्याम के दो बेटे क्यों हैं? Why has Shyam two sons?
सीता और राम के पास दो बिल्लियाँ कैसे हैं? How have Sita and Ram two cats?

Has / Have: Interrogative Sentences (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)

Rule: Has / Have + S + (No/Not) + Complement

Hindi Sentence English Sentence
क्या राम के पास एक घर है। Have Ram a house.
क्या तुम्हारे पास एक कंप्यूटर है। Have you a computer.
क्या रमेश के पास तीन किताबें नही हैं। Has Ramesh not three books.
क्या लडको के पास केवल एक कलम है। Have the boys only one pen.
क्या गाय को एक पूंछ होती है। Has the cow a tail.
क्या लड़कियों के पास बहुत सारे कपडे हैं। Have the girls many clothes.
क्या हमारे पास प्रयाप्त पैसे नही हैं। Have we not enough money.
क्या श्याम के दो बेटे नही हैं। Has Shyam not two son.
क्या सीता और राम के पास दो बिल्लियाँ हैं। Have Sita and Ram two cats.

Has / Have: Negative Sentences (नकारात्मक वाक्य)

Rule: S + Has / Have + No/Not + Complement

Hindi Sentence English Sentence
मेरे पास कार नही है। I have no car.
उसके पास दो बैल नही हैं। He has not two bulls.
राम के पास घर नही है। Ram has no house.
तुम्हारे पास कंप्यूटर नही है। You have no computer.
रमेश के पास तीन किताबें नही हैं। Ramesh has not three books.
लडको के पास केवल एक कलम नही है। The boys have not only one pen.
गाय को पूंछ नही है। The cow has no tail.
लड़कियों के पास बहुत सारे कपडे नही हैं। The girls have not many clothes.
हमारे पास प्रयाप्त पैसे नही हैं। We have not enough money.
श्याम के दो बेटे नही हैं। Shyam has not two sons.
सीता और राम के पास दो बिल्लियाँ नही हैं। Sita and Ram have not two cats.
  1. Use Of Has/Have In Present Perfect Tense:

Do you have complete knowledge of tense? The second use of Has and Have is as a helping verb in the sentences of Present Perfect Tense.

In this helping verb does not have any Hindi meaning, rather it tells the condition or condition of the subject.

Friends, the identity of the sentences of Present Perfect Tense is that at the end of the sentence, it has been, has been, has been, has been, has been, has been, has been, has been, has been, has been, has been etc. For example, he has gone, Sita has eaten etc.

To make English translation of such sentences, Has and Have are used according to the subject of the sentence.

Rule: S + Has / Have + V3 + O

Now with which subject the has will be used and with whom the same rule of have will apply as I have told you in possession above.

Let us now see some examples of sentences-

  • मैं पढ़ चूका हूँ। – I have read.
  • तुम खाना खा चुके हो। – You have eaten food.
  • राधा घर जा चुकी है। – Radha has gone home.
  • राम और श्याम सो चुके हैं। – Ram and Shyam have slept.
  • मैंने ताजमहल देखा है। – I have seen the Tajamahal.
  • तुमने उसे पिटा है। – You have beaten him.
  • मैं नहा चूका हूँ। – I have taken bath.
  • मेहमान आ चुके हैं। – The guests have arrived.
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