NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Maths Chapter 2022

NCERT Solution  For Class 8 MATHS

Chapter –  Introduction to Graph Exercise – 15.2

Q1. Plot the following points on a graph sheet. Verify. If they lie on a line.

  • A(4,0) B(4,2) C(4,6) D(4,2.5)
  • P(1,1) Q(2,2) R(3,3) S(4,4)
  • K(2,3) L(5,3) M(5,5) N(2,5)



Plot all the points on the graph.

Ncert solution class 8 chapter 15-11


  • All points A,B,C and D lie on  vertical line.
  • P,Q,R and S points also make a line . It verifies that these points lie on a lie.
  • Points K,L,M and N . These points do not  lie in a straight line.


Q2. Draw the line passing through (2,3) and (3,2) . Find the coordinates of  the points at which thus line meets the X – axis and Y – axis .



Graph for the line passes through points (2,3) and (3,2) is:


Ncert solution class 8 chapter 15-12


The coordinates of the points at which this lines meets the x – axis at (5,0) and Y – axis at (0,5).


Q3. Write the coordinates of the vertices  of each of these adjoining figures.


Ncert solution class 8 chapter 15-13




We can observe three figures named as, OABC , PQRS and LMK.


Vertices of figure OABC

O(0,0) A(2,0) B(2,3) and C (0,3)


Vertices of figure PQRS

P (4,3) Q(6,1) R(6,5) and S(4,7)


Vertices of figure LMK

L (7,7) , M(10,8) and K (10,5)


Q4. State whether True or False. Correct that are false.

  • A pint whose x coordinate is zero and y- coordinate is non – zero will lie on the y – axis.
  • A point whose y coordinate is zero and x – coordinate is 5 will lie on y – axis.
  • The co-ordinates of the origin are (0,0)
