CBSE Class 10 NCC Syllabus for Academic Session 2021-2022
सीबीएसई कक्षा 10 राष्ट्रीय कैडेट कोर (एनसीसी) नए शैक्षणिक सत्र 2021-2022 के लिए पाठ्यक्रम सबसे अच्छा उपकरण है जो आपको पाठ्यक्रम सामग्री को प्रभावी ढंग से कवर करने में मदद करेगा। इस पाठ्यक्रम में, आप विभिन्न वर्गों के तहत उल्लिखित विषयों और सीबीएसई बोर्ड परीक्षा 2021 के लिए प्रत्येक अनुभाग को दिए गए वेटेज के बारे में जानेंगे।
Also Check :: CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus for Academic Session 2021-2022
Unit-1: The NCC
Aim: To acquaint cadets with the aims and objectives of NCC
Scope: Introduction, aims, organization and general information about NCC
Aims and Objectives of NCC
- Organization and Training and NCC Song
- Incentives of Joining NCC
Unit-2: National Integration and Awareness
Aim: To inculcate sense of patriotism, secular values and motivate cadets to contribute towards nation building through national unity and social cohesion
Scope: The concepts of National Interests, Objectives and integration, Unity in diversity and cultural heritage of India
- Freedom Struggle and Nationalist Movement in India
- Unity in Diversity
- Famous Leaders of India
- Contribution of Youth to Nation Building
Unit-3: Civil Affairs
Aim: To train Cadets to assist Civil administration in performance of selective duties during disasters
Scope: Basic information about civil defense organization and its duties, maintenance of essential services and providing assistance to civil administration in various types of emergencies during national disasters
- Civil Defense Organization and its duties/ NDMA
- Role of NCC during Natural Hazards/ Calamities
- Fire Service and Fire Fighting
Unit-4: Drill
Aim: To inculcate a sense of discipline, improve bearing, smartness, ant turnout and to develop the quality of immediate and implicit obedience to orders
Scope: All important basic aspects of drill including ceremonial drill, drill with arms and words of command Drill without Arms
- General and Words of Command
- Attention, Stand at Ease and Stand Easy, turning and inclining at the halt
- Saluting at the halt
- Getting on parade, dismissing and falling out
- Turning on the march and wheeling
- Individual word of command
Unit-5: Weapon Training
Aim: To give elementary knowledge about rifles
Scope: Basic knowledge about rifle and firing
- Characteristics of a rifle/rifle ammunition and its fire power
- The lying position and Holding
- Aiming, range and figure target
- Trigger control and firing a shot
- Range precautions and safety precautions
- Short range firing
Unit-6: Adventure Training
Aim: To inculcate a sense of adventure and develop confidence, courage and determination
Scope: To expose cadets to various adventure activities
- Trekking including selection of route and administrative planning
- Rock Climbing
Unit-7: Personality Development and Leadership
Aim: To develop an all-round dynamic personality with adequate leadership traits to deal/ contribute effectively in all walks of life
Scope: Basic subjects of leadership with emphasis on self-awareness, life/soft skills, time management and character building
- Introduction to Personality development
- Factors influencing/ shaping personality: Physical, Social, Psychological and Philosophical
- Critical and creative thinking
- Communication skills: group discussions/ lectures
- Effects of leadership with historical examples
- Problem solving skills
- Interview Skills
- Importance of group and team work
- Effective use of time
- Coping with stress/ emotions
Unit-8: Social Awareness Community Development
Aim: To teach cadets the values and skills involved in providing voluntary Social Service
Scope: Understanding of social service and its needs, knowledge about the weaker sections of our society and their requirements, about NGOs and contribution of youth towards social welfare
- Literacy enhancement and poverty alleviation
- Contribution of youth towards social welfare • Civic responsibilities
- Drug abuse and trafficking
- Causes and prevention of HIV/AIDS, Role of Youth
- Corruption
- Social evils viz. dowry/ female foeticide/ child abuse and trafficking etc.
- Traffic control organization and anti-drunken driving
- Provisions of child Act
Unit-9: Health and Hygiene
Aim: To instill respect and responsibility towards personal health and hygiene
Scope: Basic information of the human body, maintenance of health and hygiene, sanitation, disease and an elementary knowledge of First Aid and Nursing
- Structure and functioning of the human body
- Infectious and contagious diseases and its prevention
- Basics of first aid in common medical emergencies
- Wounds and fractures
- Introduction to yoga and exercise
Unit-10: Environment Awareness and Conservation
Aim: To sensitize the cadets on natural resource conservation and protection of environment
Scope: Basic understanding of environment in general and waste management in particular, energy conservation, pollution control and wildlife conservation in particular
- Natural resources – conservation and management
- Water conservation and rain water harvesting
- Waste management
- Pollution control water, air, noise, soil