Explanation of NOUN Types / ENGLISH GRAMMAR

Explanation of NOUN Types / ENGLISH GRAMMAR

Nouns are words used for :-

People – Pilot, Doctor, Chef , Boy, Girl, uncle, name etc.

Animals – loin , rabbit , cat, bog etc.

Places – room , park, any place , road, etc.

Things – picture , table, fan , carpet , TV, sofa, etc.

Nouns :- Nouns are naming words.

You can count most nouns

An orange    Five orange

A tree           Many trees

A boy            Ten boys

A House        Many houses

A cup             Fifty


Example :-

Use of “is” or “are”

If noun is singular use “is”

If noun is plural use “are”

Bird is sitting on the tree.

Birds are flying in the sky.

Versha is very intelligent.

Boys are happy.

There are some nouns you cannot count.

Water, rice, light, oil, honey, tea, milk, juice, air etc.

Example :-

Always use “is” with things you cannot.

Water is good for you.

Honey is sweet.

Milk is boiling.

Definition :- NOUN is name of People, places, animals, or things.

People Places Animals Things














Hill station


















We are able to count some nouns  like table, chairs, Boys, Girls, flies, etc. such noun are called countable Nouns.

There are some nouns we cannot count like milk, rice, food, air, light, oil etc. such nouns are called uncountable Nouns.

Kinds Of Noun (Types of Noun)

Noun has the following 5 parts.

1- Proper Noun (Proper Noun),

2- Common Noun (Common Noun)

3- Collective Noun (collective Noun),

4- Material Noun (Material Noun)

5 – Abstract Noun

1- Proper Noun (Proper Noun)

Proper Noun is the noun that is used for a particular person, place, or thing.

Like:-1- Name of person – Ram, Shyam, Mohan, Sohan.

2- Place Names- Agra, Bombay, Delhi

3- Object Names – Table, Black-board, Stone, Fan

4- Days, Months, and Festivals Names- Sunday, Monday, March, June, Diwali, Holi, Dashera

Note (Special) :The first letter of 1-Proper Noun is Capital.

Like:- Ram, Mathura, Ramayan, Sunday.

2-Proper Noun is always in singular number and usually no article is used with them but ‘the’ article must be used before some nouns.

a- rivers, mountains, lakes, seas, metros , before the names like:-

The Gange, the Himalayas, the Indian Ocean

b- Before some provinces and countries like:-

The Punjab, The United States

c- Before the names of religious texts like:-

The Ramayan, the Gita, the Quran, the Bible.

d- Before the names of newspapers, main buildings and ships like:-

The Hindustan Times, The Tajmahal, The Victory (Ship)

e- When Proper Noun is used as Common Noun eg:-

Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.

2- Common Noun (Common Noun)

does not know any one particular person, thing, or place, but only the noun that denotes all the things and persons of the same species is called Common Noun.

Such as:-

1- of objects. Name- Table, chair, pen, book, box.

2- Person and Animals- Boy, girl, man, woman, horse, cow, elephat, parrot, bird, kite.

Note (Special)

1- When any article (a, an, the) is used before Proper, Material, and Abstract Noun or they are used in plural, then they are considered as Common Noun.

Like :-

1- Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.

2- When a class of persons or things is understood from a Proper Noun, then it is considered as Common Noun.

Like: – He is the Great Khali .

3- When Collective Noun appears more than one group then it becomes Common Noun

like:- There are forty classes in my class.

3- Collective Noun (Group Noun)

A particular person, group of things is called Collective Noun.

Like:- class, army, flock, family, committee, crowd, bu7nch, government, council

Note (special)

1- When Collective Noun refers to a particular group, or group, then it is a Proper Noun.

Such as: -Simon Commission, The Indian Team, The Ideal Navy

4- Material

Nouns (Material Nouns ) Such Nouns that denote a metal or substance from which other things can be made are called Material Nouns.

Such as:- Gold, silver, copper, stone, water, oil, wood, etc. .

5- Abstract Noun (abstract noun),

which have properties noun, becomes aware of the event or task, called Abstract Noun l ie Such nouns whom we can not touch it and can not see can only Mahsus

like :- Honesty, cleverness, wisdom, beauty, slavery, childhood, movement, revenge etc.

which of the following is not a noun.

  1. a) America b)Banana c)like d)Aditya

Fill in the blank

Vaibhavi ____ a tall girl.

  1. A) are B) is C) am

These apples ____ very juicy.

  1. a) Are b) is c)am

water ___ very cold.

a)are    b)is       c)am

which of the following is an uncountable noun

  1. a) horse b)temple c)school d)sugar