Fake News

                               Fake News

Social Media is a Best Platform to Represent us and show our talent, story, articles, latest news, realty, connectivity, realty, ideas, friends, relations and to more. Social Media connect whole country and whole Internet users. Social media change the life and now we use Internet and Social Media as an Oxygen or as a Food and without Oxygen (Internet) and without Food (Social Media) we can’t survive. But Internet and Social Media are completely occupied by Fake News and control by politics and Fake News is very dangerous for Human society. Fake News will Create Social dispute between two or more society, religion, cast, political party and create Social violence, Mob – violence also Mob – Lynching and many more. Fake News is a very dangerous part of Internet and Social Media. Fake News harm our society much of time. Fake News take more speed and least time between Villagers and new Social media Internet user. Some time Social media’s Fake News make a very dangerous and very harmful violence between two Religions and destroy whole relation between them.  Some time Opposition Political leaders create political dispute between two political parties and harm public property against Ruling Political Parties. Fake News is also dangerous for our educated society because Fake News Brain wash them and change his life in a very short time. Fake News always dangerous for our society and Government take strict action to stop Fake News and stop them to harm our Society.