Let’s Learn English / Numbers / Singular Plural / English Grammar / For Primary Students

Let’s Learn English / Numbers / Singular Plural / English Grammar / For Primary Students !

On the basis of number noun can be singular or plural.

If a noun donates one person place animal or think it is called singular noun. Example :- a woman , an owl,  a ship , a train, a flower etc.

If a noun denotes more than one person, place animals things, it is called plural noun. Example :- monkeys, brushes, doors, balloons,

Singular Plural
Bird Birds
Broom Brooms
Camel Camels
Desk Desks
Doll Dolls
Egg Eggs
Flower Flowers

Making nouns plural :-

*Most nouns from their plural adding +s . Example :- shoe-shoes ,  ball-balls, clock-clocks etc.

*When noun end with a hissing sound “ch ,s , ss , sh or ox” add +es to the singular. Example :- glass-glasses , church-churches, class-classes etc.

*If the noun ends in “y”. Its plural is formed by changing Y into “ies” . Bunny-Bunnies, Pony-ponies, story-stories etc.

* If the noun end In “F” or “fe” . The plural is formed by  changing f and fe into “ves”. Example :- half-halves, knife-knives, loaf-loaves, life-lives etc.

* If the noun ends in “o” from their plural by adding “es” in the singular. Example :- hero-heroes, potato-potatoes, buffalo-buffaloes etc.

Some nouns have different plurals.

Singular plural singular Plural
Child Children Foot Feet
Man Men Women Women
Tooth Teeth Mouse Mice
Father Fathers Mother Mothers
Hand Hands Toy Toys
Chair Chairs Table Tables
Brother Brothers Sister Sisters
Uncle Uncles  Grandfather  Grandfathers
Boy Boys Girl Girl
Bird Birds


Cow Cows
 Car  Cars


Book Books
Cat Cats Dog Dogs
Shop Shops  Mouse Mice
Fan Fans   Leaf Leaves


Jar Jars Cliff Clifs
Donkey Donkeys  Monkey Monkeys
Key Keys  Ray Rays
Night Nights Day Days
Hoof Hoofs Proof Proofs
River Rivers  Boat Boats
Eassy  Eassys Short Shorts
