NCERT class 3 Math-Magic chapter 12

NCERT class 3 Math-Magic chapter 12

Chapter-12                      Can We Share?

Page no. (160)

How Many in Each Group?

  • There are 10 Butterflies.

They are in 2 groups

There are 5 Butterflies in each group.



                             Page no. (161)

  • There are __21__ Caterpillars.

They are in __3__ groups.

There are __7__ Caterpillars in each group.


  • There are __12__ Laddoos.

They are in __4__ groups.

There are __4__ Laddoos in each group.


                                Page no. (165)

Sharing them Equally:-

  • Here are six bananas.

here are three monkeys. If they share the bananas equally, each monkey will get two bananas.

6 banana divided into 3 parts = 2 bananas each

6 / 3 = 2.


If there are six bananas and two monkeys.

Each monkey will get three bananas.

Six bananas / 2 = 3 bananas each

6 / 2 = 3.


If there are 60 bananas and two monkeys, how will each monkey get?

__30­__ bananas.


  • FIVE FRIENDS FOUND 10 FIVE-RUPEE COINS ON THE GROUND. They shared them equally. each friend got ten rupees.

50 / 5 = 10

If there are 16 Ten-rupee not6es and four friends to share, then

16 / 4 = __4__           and           4 * 10 = 40

so each friends gets ­­__40__ rupees.


Five friends found Rs 100. if they share it equally, how much will each get?

100 / 5 = 20

__20__ rupees.


  • Hari Prashad has 30 metres of rope. He distributes it equally among his three children.

Each child gets__10__ meters of rope.


If there is 36 metres of rope, how much of rope will each child get? __12__ meters.


And if there is 60 metres of rope, how much will each child get?__20__ metres.


  • Now let us try this.

Here are 28 buttons.


A Tailor puts 4 buttons on one shirt. So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If thre are 28 buttons, a So now there are 7 shirts with buttons.

28 / 4 = 7

If there are 28 buttons, and the tailo puts 7 buttons on each shirts, there will be __7__ shirts with buttons.

28 / 7 = __4__.