NCERT class 3 Maths chapter 10 solution

NCERT class 3 Maths chapter 10 solution

Chapter-10              Play With Patterns


                                    Page no. (149)

Number Patterns:-

  1. Look for the rules and continue these growing patterns:-
  2. 51, 56, 61, 66, ___, ___, …..
  3. 7, ___, 21, 28, 35, ___, ___ …..
  4. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, __, __, __.
  5. 12A, 13B, 14C, __, __, __.
  6. Look at these growing patterns. Find out what to add to each number to get the next one:
  7. 1, 3, 6, 10,  ___, ___, ___, ___, ___.
  8. 0, 02, 06, 12, ­­___, ___, ___, ___, ___.
  9. 01, 03, 07, 13, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___.
  10. 02, 03, 06, 11, 18, ___, ___, ___, ____, ___.


                                   Page no. (151)

Even and Odd number Patterns:-

Half these number are in yellow. What patterns do you see in these numbers? Continue the same patterns and fill in the blanks:

96, 98, __, 102, __, __, __, __, __.

How far can you continue this pattern?


These numbers have a special name. They are called Even numbers.

Do any of these even number end 3 or 5?


What do even numbers end with?


Look at the Pattern of numbers in blue. Continue the pattern and fill in the blanks:-

99, 101, __, 105, 107, __, __, __.

What do the numbers in Blue end with?


All numbers that end with 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9 are called Odd numbers.

Write all Odd numbers between 400 and 410.


Write all Even numbers between 155 and 165.


If we add 1 to any odd number we get an ______ [even/odd] number.

If we add 1 to any even number we get an ______ [even/odd] number.

What do you get if you add an even number to an odd number?


Name in an order:-

Adil has to arrange this list so that the names starting with A come first and then come those with B, C, D and so on. Number these names in the order in which they will come.



Jalaj is proud to have a special name. He says if you read it backwards it is still the same.

Which of the following names have the same pattern?

Mark Tick

Harsh, Anna, Kanak, Munna, Ongbi.