NCERT class 4 English unit question answer

  NCERT class 4 English unit question answer

Helen Keller

Reading is fun

  1. “Something is wrong.” said Helen’s mother. What was wrong with Helen?

Ans.: “Something is very wrong”, her mother said, and at last they found out what was wrong. the child could not see or hear.

  1. Although Helen could not hear or see, what kind of girl was she?

Ans.: She was a bright little girl.

  1. Who agreed to help Helen?

Ans.: Miss Sullivan, a young teacher agreed to help Helen.

  1. How did Miss Sullivan help Helen?

Ans.: Miss Sullivan gave Helen a doll. “D_O_L_L” spells doll. She spelt the word with her fingers into Helen’s hand. She made the letters with special hand signs.

  1. What did Helen Learn When the teacher put her hand into running water?

Ans.: She spelt W_A_T_E_R. Suddenly Helen Understood that W_A_T_E_R meant something wet, running over her hand. She understood that words were the most important things in the world.

  1. What was the most important thing that Helen finally understood?

Ans.: She understood that words were the most important things in the world. Words would tell her everything she wanted to know.

Let’s talk

  1. 1. Using sign language make these letters with your hand

‘C’, ‘H’, ‘E’, ‘K’

  1. Spell these words through hand signd

(a)  Helen

(b)  Was

  1. How do people who cannot see, read?
  2. What is the script for children who cannot see called?
  3. How do you think you can help children who cannot see?
  4. Look at the signs for the letters of the alphabet.

Let’s write

Match the two parts of sentences given under column ‘A’ and ‘B’. Add ‘but’ to join the two parts and write complete sentences.


Column A


Column B


(i) Helen lived after her illness

(ii) She could not See or hear

(iii) people thought that she could not learn anything

(iv) Helen copied the words

(v) Miss Sullivan was strict

(a)  her mother thought she could learn.

(b) she did not understand what she was doing.

(c) she could not hear or see.

(d) she was kind to Helen.

(e) she was very intelligent.

  1. Helen lived after her illness but see could not hear or see.
  2. She could not see or hear but her mother thought she could learn.
  3. People thought that she could not learn anything but she was very intelligent.
  4. Helen copied that words but she did not understand what she was doing.
  5. Miss Sullivan was strict but she was very kind to Helen.