NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Math Chapter – 10 Exercise – 10.1


NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Math Chapter – 10 Exercise – 10.1


The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 10 Circles  are undoubtedly an essential study materials for the students studying in CBSE Class 10 NCERT  Solutions provided  here along with the  downnloads PDF can help the  students prepare  effectively for their first term exams The chapter is a continuation of what was taught in chapter probability in Class 9 and further explains the different concept related to it.

Q1.  How many tangents can a circle have ?



There can be infinite tangents to a circle. A circle is made up of infinite points which are at an equal distance from a point Since there are infinite points on the circumference of a circle , infinite tangents can be drawn from them.


Q2. Fill in the blanks:

  • A tangent to a circle intersect it n _______ point (s).
  • A line intersecting  circle in two points is called a ______.
  • A circle can have _________ parallel tangents at the most.
  • The common point of a tangent to a circle and the circle is called ______.



  • One
  • Secant
  • Two
  • Point of contact.

Q3. A tangent PQ at a point P of a circle of radius 5 cm meets a line through the center O at  a point Q so that OPQ = 12 cm Length PQ is :

  • 12 cm
  • 13 cm
  • 5 cm
  • 119 cm



  • Is correct option.









Q4. Draw a circle and two lines parallel to a given  line such that one is a tangent and the  other , a secant to the circle.











The line segment AB is the tangent at point C while the line segment XY is the secant.