NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Math Chapter – 2 Exercise – 2.1



NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Math Chapter – 2 Exercise – 2.1

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Math Chapter – 2 Polynomial helps students in learning basic concepts of probability which is include in the second term’s CBSE syllabus 2021-2022  NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Maths provide answers to all the questions in exercise present at the end of the chapter These solutions are prepared by our mathematics experts who are highy experienced in the field of education.

 Experts at Sunstarup  have created the NCERT Solutions after extensive search on each topic Students can refer to this study study material to boost their confidence and attempt the second term exam smartly. The concepts are explained with steps, shortcuts to remember formula , tips and tricks to solve the numerical problems wisely and quickly.


Q1. Which of the following expressions are polynomials in one variable and which are not? State reasons for your answer.

  • 4x2– 3x + 7



4x2 – 3x + 7 is a polynomial in one variable.


  • Y2+ 2



Y2 + √2 is a polynomial in one variable.


  • 3t + t2



3√t + t√2 is not a polynomial in one variable.


  • Y + 2/y



Y + 2/y is not a polynomial in one variable.


  • X10+ y3 + t50



X10 + y3 + t50 is not a polynomial in one variable.


Q2. Write the coefficient of x2 in each of the following:

  • 2 + x2+ x



The coefficient of x2 in 2 + x2 + x is 1.


  • 2 – x2+ x3



The coefficient of x2 in 2 – x2 + x3 is -1.


  • (/2)x2+ x




The coefficient of x2 in (/2)x2 + x is /2.


  • 2x – 1



The coefficient of x2 in √2x – 1 is 0.


Q3. Give one example of each of a binomial of degree 35 , and of monomial of degree 100.



Binomial of degree 35: A polynomial having tow terms and the highest degree is 35 is called a binomial of degree 35.


Monomial of degree 100: A polynomial having one term and the highest degree 100 is called a monomial of degree 100




Q4. Write the degree of each of the following polynomials:

  • 5x3+ 4x2 + 7x



5x3 + 4x2 + 7x = 5x3 + 4x2 + 7x1

The powers of the variable x are: 3, 2, 1

The degree of 5x3 + 4x2 + 7x is 3 as 3 is the highest power of x in the equation.


  • 4 – y2


The power  of the variable y is 2

The degree of 4 – y2 is 2 as 2 is the highest power of y in the equation.


  • 5t –  7



The power of the variables t is: 1

The degree of 5t – √7 is 1 is the highest power of y in the equation.


  • 3



The power of the variable here is: 0

The degree of 3 is 0.


Q5. Classify the following as linear , quadratic  and cubic polynomials:



  • X2+ x



The highest power of x2 + x is 2.

The degree is 2.

Hence , x2 + x is a quadratic polynomial


  • X – x3



The highest power of x – x3 is 3.

The degree  is 3

Hence x – x3 is a cubic polynomial.


  • Y + y2+ 4



The highest power of y + y2 + 4 is 2.

The degree is 2

Hence , y + y2 + 4 is a quadratic polynomial


  • 1 + x



The highest power of 1+x is 1.

Hence , 1+x is a linear polynomial.


  • 3t



The highest power of 3t is 1.

The degree is 1.


Hence 3t is a linear equation.


  • R2



The highest power of r2 is 2.

The degree is 2.

r2 is a quadratic polynomial.


  • 7x3



The highest power of 7x3 is 3.

The degree is 3.

Hence 7x3 is a cubic polynomial.