OLX purchase and sale paltform  full details

    OLX purchase and sale paltform  full details

OLX is the world’s Leading  Classifieds platform in growth markets. OLX makes it so easy to connect people to buy , sell or exchange used goods . It’s completely Free, and it can be used from a laptop or mobile phone. Every month, Hundreds of millions of people use OLX to find and sell furniture, musical instruments, cars, houses and more. You can buy and sell almost anything with OLX.

What is the profits of OLX?

The Naspers-owned classified major has posted a revenue of Rs 400 crore, Which is about 123% increase from a years – ago period, in the fiscal year ended March 2019. According to Roc filing , the company witnessed about a 49% rise in profit to Rs23.2 crore during the same period from Rs15.6 crore in FY 2018.

Who OLX is Works?

OLX works like just another classified portal – it has a parallel system for customers running side by side. People who wish to sell any goods can upload their advertisements just like one is expected to do in a classified portal. People who wish to buy goods may browse through the listing.

How does OLX delivery work?

If the seller want to give it to courier then you will have to pay for delivery. A distance seller like. If the seller is local for you, then hand to hand selling doesn’t need it. OLX is just a platform for buyers and sellers, it does not provide any shipping or payment related services.

It is safe to buy on OLX?

To stay safe while selling thing on OLX, Quikr , always tell the buyer to person because he or she has to meet you ultimately to buy the thing that you are selling. Having said that, exercise caution and common sense while meeting the person and avoid giving them your home address if not absolutely required.
