Singular Plural English & Hindi Grammar

 Singular Plural  English & Hindi  Grammar

एकवचन / बहुवचन singular – plural-in -hindi

On the basis of number noun can be singular or plural.

If a noun donates one person place animal or think it is called singular noun. Example :- a woman , an owl,  a ship , a train, a flower etc.

If a noun denotes more than one person, place animals things, it is called plural noun. Example :- monkeys, brushes, doors, balloons,

Singular Plural
Bird Birds
Broom Brooms
Camel Camels
Desk Desks
Doll Dolls
Egg Eggs
Flower Flowers

Making nouns plural :

*Most nouns from their plural

adding +s . Example :- shoe-shoes ,  ball-balls, clock-clocks etc.

*When noun end with a hissing sound “ch ,s , ss , sh or ox” add +es to the singular. Example :- glass-glasses , church-churches, class-classes etc.

*If the noun ends in “y”. Its plural is formed by changing Y into “ies” . Bunny-Bunnies, Pony-ponies, story-stories etc.

* If the noun end In “F” or “fe” . The plural is formed by  changing f and fe into “ves”. Example :- half-halves, knife-knives, loaf-loaves, life-lives etc.

* If the noun ends in “o” from their plural by adding “es” in the singular. Example :- hero-heroes, potato-potatoes, buffalo-buffaloes etc.

Singular and Plural – Singular and Plural : In this article we will learn the definition of word, their difference and rules with examples.

Who says the word?

How many differences are there in the word?

What are the rules of the word?

What are the rules for making plural from singular?

Complete information about these questions has been given in this article in very simple language –

Definition of Word

The form in which one or more than one is understood is called ‘Vachan’ in Hindi grammar.

In other words – the form of noun, pronoun, adjective and verb which senses the number, it is called ‘Vachan’.

The literal meaning of the word is ‘number of words’. The word ‘number’ is called the word. Vachan also has a meaning ‘to say’. The form of a noun in which a person, thing is known to be more than one or to be one is called a word. That is, the form of a noun in which the number is understood is called a word. For example, a girl plays. Girls play.

In these sentences, the word ‘girl’ is indicating to be one and the word ‘girls’ is indicating to be more than one. So it is clear that the word ‘girl’ is of singular and the word ‘girls’ is of plural.

Types of Singular and Plural in Hindi  & English 

एकवचन   बहुवचन

वचन :-शब्द के जिस रूप से उसके एक या अनेक का बोध होता है। उसे वचन कहते है।


वचन के भेद:-हिंदी में वचन दो प्रकार के होते है।


1 .एक वचन :-शब्द के जिस रूप से एक व्यक्ति या वस्तु का बोध हो ,उसे एक वचन कहते है। :जैसे :पुस्तक ,लड़का ,माला,कपड़ा ,कुत्ता ,बिल्ली ,गाय ,आदि।


The form of a noun which has the knowledge of being one person or one thing, it is called singular.

In other words – the word due to which we come to know about the unity of any person, thing, animal, substance etc. is called singular.

Like – boy, girl, cow, monkey, peacock, daughter, horse, river, room, clock, house, mountain, I, she, this, rupee, teacher, banana, bird, orange, flowerpot, parrot, mouse etc.

2 .बहुवचन :-शब्द  के जिस रूप से किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति के एक से अधिक होने का बोध हो ,उसे बहुवचन कहते है। जैसे :-पुस्तके ,लड़के ,मालाये ,कपड़े ,कुत्ते, बल्लियाँ  गाये आदि

जैसे : – क –  ख

बच्चा खेल रहा है। – बच्चे खेल रहे है।


र ने साडी दिखाई। -दुकानदार ने साडी  याँ दिखाई।

राम  के एक बेटा  है।- राम  के दो  बेटे है।

स्टेशन पर गाड़ी खड़ी है.- स्टेशन पर गाड़ी याँ खड़ी है



The form of a word which means that there is more than one person or thing, it is called plural.

In other words – the disordered word or noun due to which we come to know that a person, thing, animal, substance etc. has more than one or many of them is called plural.

For example , boys, cows, clothes, hats, garlands, women, sons, daughters, bananas, pots, rats, parrots, horses, we, they, these, vines, carts, rupees etc.

Singular and plural rules

  1. Only the plural is used for respectable or respectable persons.

For example-

(i) Gandhiji had come to Champaran .

(ii) Shastri very simple nature were .

(iii) Guruji did not come today .

  1. The words used to show relation are used equally in singular and plural.

For example – Nana, Mami, Tai, Tau, Nani, Mama, Uncle, Aunt, Grandfather, Grandmother etc.

  1. Massive nouns describing matter are used only in the singular.

For example – oil, ghee, water, milk, curd, lassi, raita etc.

But, if there is a sense of different types of matter, then the mass noun will be used in the plural.

For example, many types of iron are found here. Oils of jasmine, rose, sesame etc. are good.

  1. Some words of the verse are always used in the plural.

For example, price, vision, life, tears, people, intact, senses, news, signature, audience, tears, blessings etc.

Examples of –

(I) your signature very different places .

(ii) People keep saying that .

(iii) It is difficult to get your darshan . (iv) your price much are . (v) What are today’s news ?

  1. In the verse the masculine words Ikarant, Ukarant and Ukarant are used equally in both the words.

For example,

one sage – ten munis,

one dacoit – ten dacoits,

one man – ten men etc.

  1. Sometimes some people use he and me in place of he and me to show nobility.

For example –

(i) The owner told the servant that we are going to the meeting.

(ii) When Guruji came home, he was very happy.

(iii) We don’t remember we said so.

  1. Sometimes you are used in place of you for good behavior.

Like where did you go?

  1. In both the words, the common noun is used.



(i) The dog is barking.

(ii) The dogs are barking.

(iii) Lion is the king of the jungle.

(iv) Bull has four legs.

  1. Nouns describing the species of metals are used in the singular only.

For example –

gold, silver, money etc.

Examples of –

(I) gold is very expensive is .

(ii) Silver affordable is .

(iii) He has a lot of money .

  1. Both possessive and possessive nouns are used in both singular and plural.

Eg –

(i) I am suffering from their deception.

(ii) These medicines have many advantages.

(iii) Everyone was fascinated by the gentleness of Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

  1. Every, each and every one is used only in the singular.

For example –

(i) The water of every well is not sweet.

(ii) That is what everyone would say.

(iii) Every human being knows this truth.

  1. Collective nouns are used only in the singular.

Eg –

(i) Majority of the people of this country are illiterate.

(ii) A group of langurs have created a lot of ruckus.

  1. Collective nouns are used in the plural to denote more groups.

For example-

(i) Many groups of students have gone.

(ii) In the century of Akbar, there were many atrocities on the subjects of many countries .

  1. More than one element is used in the plural but in the singular one is preceded by them.

For example – eyes, ears, fingers, feet, teeth, thumb etc.

Example –

(i) Radha’s teeth were shining.

(ii) My hair has turned white .

(iii) I lost a tooth .

(iv) I have defect in one eye .

  1. Words of Karankaraka like – Jada, heat, hunger, thirst etc. are used in plural only.

For example –

(i) The poor monkey has been chilling since winter .

(ii) Beggars are starving .

  1. The words guna, people, people, group, vrinda, dal, gana, caste are sometimes used in plural with some singular noun words.


example- (i) Students are very busy.

(ii) Laborers are working.

(iii) Woman caste is struggling a lot.

Some nouns have different plurals.

Singular plural
Child Children
Foot Feet
Man Men
Women Women
Tooth Teeth
Mouse Mice
Father Fathers
Mother Mothers
Hand Hands
Toy Toys
Chair Chairs
Table Tables
Brother Brothers
Sister Sisters
Uncle Uncles
Grandfather Grandfathers
Boy Boys
Girl Girls
Bird Birds
Cow Cows
Car Cars
Book Books
Cat Cats
Dog Dogs
Shop Shops
Mouse Mice
Fan Fans
Leaf Leaves
Jar Jars
Cliff Clifs
Donkey Donkeys
Monkey Monkeys
Key Keys
Ray Rays
Night Nights
Day Days
Hoof Hoofs
Proof Proofs
River Rivers
Boat Boats
Eassy Eassys
Short Shorts





वादा वादे
किस्सा किस्से
पंखा पंखे
रुपया रूपये
बच्चा बच्चे
घोडा घोड़े
पैसा पैसे
इरादा इरादे
संतरा संतरे
केला केले
छाता छाते
बेटा बेटे
बहन बहने
भाई भाइयों
तोता तोते
कक्षा कक्षाये
दवाई दवाईयाँ
तितली तितलियाँ
कली कलियाँ
नदी नदियाँ
वस्तु वस्तुये
पुस्तक पुस्तके
दरवाजा दरवाजे
मेला मेले
कविता कविताएँ
माता माताएँ
बच्चा बच्चे
गाड़ी गाड़ियाँ
अध्यापक अध्यापिकाएँ
कलम कलमे
आँख आँखे
किताब किताबें
बात बाते
माँग माँगे
रात राते
बहू बहुये
तिथि तिथियाँ
शक्ति शक्तियाँ
सखी सखियाँ
लड़की लड़कियाँ
देवी देवियाँ
राखी राखीयाँ
मछली मछलियाँ
टोली टोलीयाँ
जाति जातियाँ
बकरी बकरियाँ
थाली थालियाँ
टोपी टोपियाँ
कॉफी कॉफियाँ
पंक्ति पंक्तियाँ
घडी घड़ियां
पंखा पंखे
कार कारे
तार तारे
गिलास गिलासे
कटोरी कटोरियाँ
बस बसे
चुहिया चुहियाँ
पुड़िया पुड़ियाँ
गुड़िया गुड़ियाँ
चूड़ी चूडियाँ
डिब्बी डिबियाँ
पर्दा पर्दे
खिड़की खिड़कियाँ
मिठाई मिठाईयाँ
सब्जी सब्जियाँ
स्कूल स्कूले
टेबल टेबले
सड़क सड़के
कुर्सी कुर्सियाँ
कथा कथाये
बेटी बेटियाँ
महिला महिलाये
चारपाई चारपाईयाँ
सीढ़ी सीढियाँ
अध्यापक अध्यापको
सदी सदियाँ
सैकड़ा सैकड़ो
साल सालो
मील मीलो
महीना महीनो
बरस बरसों
देवता देवताओ
राजा राजाओं
रानी रानियाँ
साधु साधुओं
घंटा घंटों
गाना गाने
डंडा डंडे
ठेला ठेले
कमरा कमरे
झूला झूले
थैला थैले
छतरी छतरियाँ
पौधा पौधे
गली गलियाँ
नारी नरियाँ
संस्कृति संकृतियाँ
पत्ता पते
पटा पटे
खिलौना खिलोने
गधा गधे
चादर चादरे
मेज मेजे
गाय गाये
शेर शेरनियाँ
चूहा चूहे
सभा सभाएं
गमला गमले
कहानी कहानियाँ
झंडा झंडे
चिड़िया चिड़ियाँ
नहर नहरे
किरण किरणे
बीमारी बिमारियाँ
कमीज कमीजें
रोटी रोटियाँ
अलमारी अलमारियाँ
पैसा पैसे
चाबी चाबियाँ
शाखा शाखाएँ
मुर्गा मुरगे
टोपी टोपियाँ
राह राहे
कन्या कन्याएँ
औरत औरते
गुब्बारा गुब्बारे
कविता कविताएँ
बिजली बिजलिया

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