Social Science Class-VI Chapter 5 (Kingdoms kings and an Early Republic)

Social Science Class-VI Chapter 5 (Kingdoms kings and an Early Republic)

Quetions 1 

Rajas who let the ashvamedha horse pass through their land were invited to the sacrifice .

The chariteer sprinked scred water on the king .

Archaelogists have found places in the secttlemnts of the janapadas.

Pots to store grain were made out painted grey ware

many cities in mahajanpadas were fortified.







Questions 2

Fill in the chart given below with the terms huntergartherers farmrs traders crafts persond herders.

Those Who paid taxes

The raja of the mahajanapada

Ans 2 

Observe the following figure to get the proper postions of huntergatherres farmers traders crafts persons and herders.

Hunter gathre is


Crafts persons



The raja of the mahajan apada


Question 3

Who Were the groups who could not participate in the assembiles of the ganas ?





Questions 4

Why did the rajas of mahajanpadas built forts for ?


The raja of mahajanapadas built forts for:

Their security

Their Show off

Fortified City was easy to manage

Questions 5

in what ways are present day elections diffrent from the ways in which rulers were chosen in janapadas?


Earlier rulers were chosen after showing his supremacy for they had to perfrom ashwadeha yajna so that other rajas in mahajanapads accept his supermacy and in this way rulers were chosen now a days rulers are chosen by popular elections .

Questions 6

Were there any janapadas in your state if yes name them if not name the janapadas that would have been the closet to your state and mention whether they were to the east west north or south?


Do according to your states.

Questions 7

find out whether any of the groups mentione in answer 2 pay taxes today ?


Traders and Crafts Persons.

Quetions 8

Find out wheter the groups mentioned in answer 3 have voting rights at present ?


Yes all the groups mentioned in answer 3 have voting rights at present.


Social Science Class-VI Chapter-4 (What Books and Burials Tell Us)

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