Dir KYC due date 2022

Dir KYC due date 2022

Every director has allotted a DIN( Director identification number) by Ministry of company affair. A person can obtain DIN through filing eForm no DIR-3 which was initially a single time process to be carried out by the one who wishes to become a director in one or more company.

Who need to file e-Form DIR 3 KYC

Every      director need to file KYC every  on or before due date  prescribed by  MCA generally it 30 Sept  every year.

Type of DIR-3 KYC

Every director need to update their

Email Address

Mobile No.


Anything change need to update in Dir-3 KYC form

If there is not change in any thing  then KYC Details update  e Form simply send a OTP on Email and Mobile no put both opt on email and mobile no on the portal and submit successfully than KYC process Completed.


Due Date and Penalty Charges for not filing DIR 3 KYC form.

When a  director fail to file DIR-3 KYC form on or before due date on MCA portal. MCA deactivated such DIN. After such deactivation of DIN director cannot sign any document on MCA portal.

A director can re-active his DIN by filing the e form DIR-3 KYC with penalty of Rs5000


Therefore  DIR3 KYC is mandatory filing so filing  it on or before due date so that penalty Rs. 5000 can be  avoided.

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