What is manufacturing ?

What is manufacturing ?

Manufacturing is process that change original form of raw material. Manufacturing is the making of goods by hand or by machine that upon completion the business sells  in the market. Items used in manufacture may be raw materials or component parts of a larger product. Manufacturing usually happens on a  small scale and large scale production line of machinery  or with help of skilled labour.


Malik to card

Card to Ghee

 Pepsi manufacturing process

Raw material( Kacha mal)


2.Ingredient Mixing

3. Gas

4 Sugar

mixing it at certain standard output would be Pepsi

 Mobile manufacturing process

Raw material

Display, speaker, battery, chip, mobile cover, mobile camera,

assemble it together out put would be mobile.


Laptop or LED TV manufacturing process

Raw material

Chip, display unit, Speaker, key board etc

assemble it together output would be laptop or LED TV



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