Google Layoffs

Google Layoffs


Alphabet, the parent company of Google, will eliminate 12000 jobs globally. Google has started notifying employees of workforce reductions.

In a firm, there are numerous ways to implement layoffs. The first and most important method is historical employee performance.

Human resource managers may assign tasks to employees within specific guidelines; if an employee is unable to do the assignment as instructed, they may receive poor evaluations and even lose their jobs.

For the first time in world history, the world came together when the Corona virus was disseminated by China. To meet customer demand for high-quality service, Google hired several employees.

Now that time has passed, along with the effects of the world recession.

Companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon have already made layoffs.

In the third quarter compared to the previous year, Alphabet, the parent company of Google, had a 27 percent decline in profit.


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