Kerala Lottery Result Today 14-2-2022

Kerala Lottery Result Today 14-2-2022

Kerala Lottery Result published here time to time update mostly Kerala lottery result  . If any person want to see the Kerala lottery result today. On this page Kerala lottery result update around 3 P M every day. The Kerala State Lotteries Department will release the lottery result. The Kerala State Lotteries Department release  different result every day like Win-Win, Karunya, Nirmal, Karunya Plus, Akshaya, Sthree Sakathi.

Kerala State Lotteries Department  published the Kerala Lottery result on its official website

Ticket price of every  ticket is Rs.40.  It is luck base wining change if a person succeed can win huge amount on the investment of Rs 40 per ticket.


Kerala Lottery Result Today 14.2.2022 Summary

Lottery Name

Win Win Kerala Lottery

Draw Code


First Prize

Rs. 80,00,000

Kerala Lottery Result date


Result Status


Official Website


Many people purchase  lakhs of ticket of  Kerala lottery  from various lottery ticket counters. There are 13 states where people can play lottery ticket legally recognized. The Kerala state is among such state where lottery is legally recognized

Kerala Lottery Result, Kerala lottery result today, Win-Win, Karunya , Nirmal, Karunya Plus, Akshaya, Sthree Sakthi. today lottery result, Kerala lottery result today 2022, Kerala lottery result today live , Nirmal  lottery result today, Win Win  lottery result today, Sthree Sakthi result today, Karunya lottery result today, Karunya plus lottery result today,


1st Prize– Rs :75,00,000/-

WO 490400

Consolation Prize- Rs. 8,000/- 

WN 490400  WP 490400
WR 490400  WS 490400
WT 490400  WU 490400
WV 490400  WW 490400
WX 490400  WY 490400
WZ 490400

2nd Prize- Rs : 500,000/-

WO 791769

3rd Prize- Rs :100,000/-

WN 896041
WO 449452
WP 478100
WR 294580
WS 894552
WT 504840
WU 480993
WV 948966
WW 949374
WX 880728
WY 729723
WZ 284296

4th Prize- Rs. 5,000/-

0544  2528  2606  3109  5233  5791
5874  5912  5976  6193  6369  6621
6968  7809  8015  9343  9781  9943

5th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-

0224  0671  0890  2019  4718  4906
4915  5436  7313  7507

6th Prize- Rs. 1,000/-

0155 1042  1093 1379   2219  3239
5027  5717 7215  7978  8544  8833
9599  9619

7th Prize- Rs. 500/-

0129  0172  0587  0745  0793  0799
0836  0943  1027  1092  1193  1201
1310  1406  1576  1651  1767  1815
1984  2021  2036  2380  2490  2580
2802  2887  3030  3069  3112  3149
3171  3241  3306  3336  3432  3474
3733  3944  4232  4241  4254  4549
4558  5019  5063  5153  5361  5369
5391  5473  5931  5941  6014  6177
6205  6488  6625  6710  6854  6862
6993  7079  7602  7861  8120  8313
8430  8800  8803  8914  9151  9211
9227  9511  9544  9686  9696  9799
9801  9893  9966  9981

8th Prize- Rs. 100/-

0040  0055  0335  0350  0422  0432  
0482  0501  0689  0756  0789  0801  
0879  0908  0955  1029  1061  1132  
1221  1222  1373  1682  1711  1773  
1844  2032  2040  2069  2078  2348  
2399  2445  2493  2525  2569  2657  
2674  2730  2952  3118  3169  3172  
3292  3456  3497  3579  3654  3799  
3932  3982  4019  4077  4201  4207  
4217  4334  4474  4530  4534  4620  
4827  4852  4938  5082  5133  5167  
5490  5504  5532  5565  5680  5821  
5849  5947  5970  5971  6080  6157  
6207  6338  6367  6551  6585  6789  
6891  6946  7019  7080  7178  7279  
7364  7386  7399  7506  7592  7605  
7623  7722  7745  7826  7835  7864  
8134  8188  8201  8232  8570  8582  
8624  8737  8841  8901  8928  8929  
8972  9037  9122  9266  9366  9506  
9510  9515  9703  9752  9844



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