Write Alphabet A to Z in English

Write Alphabet A to Z ,Vowel or Consonant

A Apple Ant Aeroplane
B Ball Bat Balloon
C Cat Car Cake
D Dog Dool Drum
E Eye Egg Elephant
F Fish Fan Fairy
G Gun Girl Grapes
H Hen Hat Horse
I Ink pot Ice cube Ice cream
J Jug Jelly Joker
K Kite Key King
L  Lion Lips Lotus
M  Moon Mask Mango
N  Nest Nurse Napkin
O One Owl Orange
P Pen  Pot Parrot
Q Queen Quilt Quill
R  Rose Rabbit Rocket
S  Ship Sun Shoes
T  Toy Tree Telephone
U  Umbrella Uncle Uniform
V  Van Vegetable Verb
W  Watch Window Watermelon
X  X Mas Tree X Ray X Rays
Y Yes Yak Yacht
Z Zip Zoo Zebra



Vowel in English ( स्वर)

A, E,I ,O,U



10 Line On Dog for kids

10 Line On Cow in Hindi :- गाय पर 10 वाक्य