Grammar + Spoken / Lets Learn English / Grammar / Sentences / subject / predicate / type of sentence !

Grammar + Spoken / Lets Learn English / Grammar / Sentences / subject / predicate / type of sentence !

A sentence is a group of words put together to make sense and having a meaning.

Features :-

  • A sentence must contain a subject and a verb.
  • A sentence must begins with capital letter.
  • A sentence ends with a full stop or a question mark.

Example :-

  1. Sun rises from east.
  2. Birds build nests on trees.
  3. The cow moos loudly.

Sentences is divide into two parts :- 1.subject and 2.predicate

Example of Subject :- In a sentence, the person or thing about which something is being said is called the subject. Example :-

The loin is the king of the forest.

The crow caws.

Birds build nests on trees.

The girl is skipping.

Example of The predicate :- the predicate tells us about subject or what the subject is doing. Example :- the monkey ate a banana. , Ravi and Versha  go to school daily. The flower smells nice.


Statements :-

The statement tells us about  something.

Ends with full stop(.)

Example :- the sun is shining brightly.

The Earth is round.

It is raining

Aman goes to school everyday.

Learn Basic Sentence Patterns in English - English Grammar Exercises -  YouTube

Questions :-

  • An question sentence ask something.
  • It always ends with question mark(?)

Example :-

Who can carry this box?

Where are you going?

Command & order

  • It tells someone to do something.
  • Ends with full stop.

Example :-

Close the door.

Do not shout.

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