Mohammad Hamid Ansari is a kalnk for India.

Mohammad Hamid Ansari is a kalnk for India.

Mohammad Hamid Ansari is a Indian Muslim. He is born in 1 April 1937.  He taken education, water, food, breath, cloth from India soil. Due to   utilization of Indian resource he is  able to get qualified as India Foreign Services. Indian soil again given opportunity to him as a diplomatic career as a ambassador.

Again Indian soil given a great opportunity to him  as a representative of India to the United Nation.

Again Indian soil given a great opportunity to him as Vice President of India on 10 August 2007 to August 2017 for two terms.

Former V-P Hamid Ansari gets candid about his life, shares that he wanted to become teacher- Edexlive

 But after full utilization of Indian resources today he feel unsecure in India.

he is not alone  such type thinking person

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