NCERT Solution class 6 Science Chapter-3

NCERT Solution class 6 Science Chapter-3





  1. How do archaeologists know that colth was used in the Harappan civilisation?

ANS 1 :-

Archaeologists have found spindles from the excavation sites. Presence of spindles shows that people knew how to make cloths that people in the Harapan civilization used cloth.


  1. Match the columns

ANS 2 :-

  1. Copper i) Rajasthan
  2. Gold            ii) Karnataka
  3. Tin iii) Afghanistan
  4. Precious stones iv) Gujarat


  1. Why wre metals, writing, the wheel and the plough important for the Harappans?

ANS 3 :-

Metals , writing the wheel and the plough were important for the Harappans in many ways. Metals were used for making various tools, utensils, jewelry and seals. Writing was useful for maintaining the records ; related to trade and for various other purposes. The wheel was used in carts  to ferry people and goods. Wheel was also used as potter’s wheel. Plough was used for tilling the land so that farming could be done .


  1. Make a list of all the terracotta toys shown in the lesson. Which do you think children would have enjoyed playing with the most ?

ANS 4 :-

Animals figures, model cart and plough are some of the terracotta toys mentioned in this lesson. I think, children would have like playing with the model cart the most.


  1. Make a list of what the Harappans ate, and put a tick mark against the things you eat today.

ANS 5 :-

The people of Harappans ate various kinds of grains [rice , wheat , barley, pulses, mustard etc.] fruits, fish , meat and milk. Most of these things we eat even today. At present; we  eat rice, wheat, pulses, fish, meat and milk. Barley is used barely by us.


Do you think the life of farmers and herders who supplied food to the Harappan cities was different from that of the farmers and herders you read about in Chapter 2? give reasons for your answer.

ANS 6 :-

In chapter 2, discussion is mainly on rural people. But in this chapter, the discussion is mainly on urban people. In both the cases; farmers and  herder did the same type of work. But their group was much bigger in case of the Harappan cities. Their work could have been  more organized; compared to what it was in earlier societies. Farmers and herders mainly prouduced for their own use. But in case of the Harappan cities ; the farmers and herders sold their surplus production.